Ama Fujinami
Informational Workshop

Ama Fujinami is a multiracial indigenous two spirit mama, artist, and student. Her formal education includes a B. A. in Anthropology from the University of Denver and two years of graduate school in Psychology. She is passionate about ancestral nutrition, indigenous wisdom, ecstatic dance, and is eager to reweave the lineage of sovereignty and earth-based feminism with her sisters and siblings in the Femme Dome.
Birth and Death Story Sharing
I invite you into the Femme Dome to gather in a circle, and open to a way of relating outside of the norms of everyday life. The portals of birth and death are sacred, and they encompass rebirthing experiences beyond the physical acts of birth and death. With this workshop, I intend that we reweave the lineage of oral transmissions of feminine wisdom. I intend that we make lasting connections, and honor each other’s experiences as the nectar that gives life to the new paradigm of connectedness that we are creating.