ẎnDon Clark

Informational Workshop

ẎnDon was initiated into the heart of Hologenetics 7+ yrs ago when he discovered Human Design & The Gene Keys while exploring the depths of his love for Astrology, Ancient Tradition, Quantum Physics & DNA. ẎnDon leads us through the De-Conditioning labyrinth back to the center of our Inner Authority, assists humanity to embrace their Genetic Diversity, and strengthens the Collective Awareness to awaken the natural expression of each individual’s Genius within the Planetary Synarchy.

Human Design & The Gene Keys: Awakening the Phoenix Inside

We will be diving into the deep Aquarian waves of the current evolutionary cycle we’re swimming through and the astrological symbiosis that is mirrored in its relationship to the Cosmology of Human Design & The Gene Keys. The Prophecy of 2027 speaks of a “Great Mutation” taking place on our planet that is catalyzing an upgrade of the human Solar Pexus while transforming the DNA of all lifeforms. We will be exploring the omens, triggers & phases of this metamorphic cycle’s impact on society and how to decode its hidden messages, get prepared for radical planetary changes, and stay centered during the greatest collective awakening & initiation of our time. Each human holds a key that unlocks the wisdom of the Phoenix’s Fire as we rise from the ashes of the old world & astrological age and begin anew. We will learn how to navigate the waters of uncertainty and tend to the Flame of Inner Truth within to light the path ahead into uncharted territory beyond our wildest dreams.