Slam dunk your junk!
During SONIC BLOOM help us put trash in its place…
Planning a successful zero waste event takes organization, teamwork and attention to detail. We strive to reduce our impact on the environment wherever possible through internal systems, practices and guidelines for patrons in an extensive “Leave No Trace / Leave It Better” Campaign for the 2023 event.
We are mindful of the environmental impact of the festival itself and all of our staff, performers and sponsors.
We encourage them all to be mindful of their impact on the environment.
By monitoring and tracking the festival’s environmental impact, we make adjustments and improvements each year to further reduce the festival’s environmental footprint.
- There will be trash and recycle bin stations throughout the venue and campgrounds.
- At your campground, please locate the nearest dumpsters and deposit your trash directly. Recycle bins will be there we well.
- We have the r.Cup program in place this year. You will get one of these cups with every drink purchased at the festival, then please return used cups to our clearly labeled r.Cup Bins.
- In case of inclement weather, please be mindful to stake down all camping equipment and secure eazy-ups to minimize broken gear. If you do have gear that breaks, please take it back home with you and dispose of there…please do not leave them on site.
- You will pass our “Transfer Station” on your way out. All landfill can go in any dumpster you see while leaving the venue. You may bring your sorted recycling right to us along with any compost ( FOOD SCRAPS ONLY) you may have. Thank you for your help in keeping SONIC BLOOM & Hummingbird Ranch clean & green!