SONIC BLOOM is proud to announce this year’s charitable Poster Food Drive to benefit:
Dorka’s Circle, the local Food Bank in Walsenburg, CO.
All patrons that donate 20 non-perishable food items, clothing (or a $20 donation) will receive one limited edition SONIC BLOOM 2023 Poster by artist, Christopher Coughlin! We have always supported the vision of co-creating a world where all communities have equal access to food. Our community hopes to inspire people to become this change.
- Donations will be accepted all weekend at the Festival Merch Booth!
- We encourage the food donations to be low-sodium and health food-oriented products. Organic food donations are especially encouraged (ramen noodles will not be accepted for the free poster).
Here are some examples of Non-Perishable needs:
Canned Meals / Dog Food / Dental Supplies / Soups (canned/dry) / Vegetables (canned) / Dry Milk / Rice & Beans / Tuna (canned) / Meats (canned) / Fruit (canned) / Cereals / Toiletries / Clothing / Shoes etc…