Amy Conte
Yoga/Movement Class

Amy is a shuffle dance instructor based in Denver, CO. She started shuffling in 2017 as a way to release on the dance floor. Since 2021, she’s built a community in Denver by teaching weekly classes, in addition to 1:1 coaching and community events. In 2023, Amy is bringing shuffling to the places that inspired her to learn in the first place: music festivals! She is now giving back to the environments that have given her so much over the year by sharing her passion with others through movement.
The Sonic Shuffle
What is a music festival without dancing?! Dance is therapy. It's a release that brings our souls together through movement. If you've always wanted to learn how to shuffle, NOW is your chance. Join us for a shuffle dance workshop where we will dive into the fundamentals of this fancy footwork while having fun as we flow as one. Whether you've been dancing since the day one or teeter on the side of two left feet, shuffling is for YOU!
There is no experience necessary to launch your shuffle journey. Bring sneakers, water, and lots of high energy! Bring your friends, too ;)
See you on the dance floor!